As women, we have been conditioned to believe that playing small is necessary in order to make others feel more comfortable. This has been reinforced by patriarchal systems that have favored men and relegated women to subservient roles. As a result, many women have internalized …
How to Quickly Tame Your Personal Dragons
A Little Intro to Personal Dragons Queen, on the off chance you aren’t already well acquainted with your own personal dragons just yet, let me introduce you to a couple of literary and pop culture possibilities that might be a starting place for reflection. Smaug, …
Unlocking Feminine Power to Create Positive Change
Forgotten feminine power — the gentle “yin” energy that every human needs to be well-balanced and complete — is the key to creating positive and lasting change in our world. My personal vision is to change the world for women and girls so we can …
Crucial Creativity — Teaching Your Brain to Dance Again
Why awaken your crucial creativity? Books don’t write themselves. Inventions don’t invent themselves. Music doesn’t compose itself. Every great achievement the world has ever seen has been the product of creativity. Creativity leads to innovation, out of the box thinking that provides solutions to problems …
Beauty & Power: Reflections on the Outrageous Paris Retreat
As I sit here at my desk in my home office, I am finding it difficult to put into words what an amazing experience the 2022 Outrageous Paris Retreat was. It was such a powerful and transformative week, full of sisterhood, feminine power, and self-discovery, …
World-Changing Women: 5 Groundbreaking Groups That Changed History
While there are of articles out there highlighting the impact individual women have made, there are fewer accounts detailing women teaming up to create powerful movements that effect real change. Let’s explore some of these amazing groups of underrated women in history and the powerful …