As we evolve and mature on our personal journey, it is natural to outgrow our sacred inner circle of relationships. As we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our values, we may find that some friendships no longer align with who we have become. …
Crucial Creativity — Teaching Your Brain to Dance Again
Why awaken your crucial creativity? Books don’t write themselves. Inventions don’t invent themselves. Music doesn’t compose itself. Every great achievement the world has ever seen has been the product of creativity. Creativity leads to innovation, out of the box thinking that provides solutions to problems …
5 Helpful Tips for Making a Fresh Start
Are you really and truly happy? Do you need a fresh start? Are you stuck in an unfulfilling life-loop? Looking for a way to shake things up and craft something new that’s more meaningful and exciting? It may be time to make some changes so …
Lighten Up, Sister!
If there has ever been a time that we all need to lighten up, a bit – it might be the month of December! Listen, I understand that life is a little crazy. Things aren’t always going swimmingly for a lot of us around the …
How to Say “No” Gracefully and Set Healthy Boundaries
What comes up for you when you think about setting healthy boundaries or SAYING “NO” TO SOMEONE? Anxiety? Guilt? Fear? Boundaries are a challenge for many of us, especially during the holidays when immediate and extended family, friends, work colleagues and others may have heightened expectations …