As we evolve and mature on our personal journey, it is natural to outgrow our sacred inner circle of relationships. As we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our values, we may find that some friendships no longer align with who we have become. …
Reframing Leadership: Overcoming Your Resistance to Lead
Are you a woman who feels like leadership is not something that’s in the cards for you because you are not in a position of authority? Are you someone who has been conditioned not to want to lead by taking charge and speaking up? Why? …
4 Benefits of Taking Time Off: Women Need to Replenish and Recharge
Too many bills to pay, too many employees to manage, too many kids to chauffeur… The constant need for women to be “on” often keeps us from taking time off and recharging the way we need to on a vacation from the chaos. In addition, …
Facing Fears: The 8 Worst Fears That Keep Us From a Fresh Start
Criticism. Failure. Success. Rejection. Uncertainty. These are the types of fears we are facing as we attempt to make changes in our lives — which end up feel more like rough endings than fresh starts. Each change we make in life demands a heartfelt goodbye …
5 Helpful Tips for Making a Fresh Start
Are you really and truly happy? Do you need a fresh start? Are you stuck in an unfulfilling life-loop? Looking for a way to shake things up and craft something new that’s more meaningful and exciting? It may be time to make some changes so …